S10. E8: Joey Pringle is Betting on Animal-Free Leather

”We’re already starting to see this happening, like there's a leather tannery in Vietnam called Isa TanTeck, where leather runs through the blood. That's what they specialize at. They came out with their own mycelium material. A leather tannery has come out with their own mycelium material. Are they in it? Are they in it for the passion of saving animals and the vegan kind of philosophies? No, they're in it because they're smart people and they've got good scientists and they've been able to create a new a new product line.” – Joey Pringle


Joey Pringle is the founder and co-owner of Veshin Factory, an original equipment and design manufacturer specializing in luxury bags and accessories made from leather alternatives.

They work with brands during product design and manufacturing stages to help them make the switch to animal-free materials.

Veshin was founded with the goal of helping brands go animal free, but because of a partnership with Natural Fiber Welding, maker of Mirum, it’s fast become a leader in plastic-free manufacturing too.

Currently, Joey lives in Colombia where he is piloting Veshin Factory's second factory in Latin America.

Please listen and share.

In gratitude,

Elizabeth Novogratz

Learn More About Veshin Factory

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As always, thank you for tuning in - we truly believe that stories have the power to change the way the world treats animals and it’s a pleasure to have you with us on this.


S10. E9: Galina Hale: The Most Rational Vegan


S10. E7: Jessica Kruger: Her Whole Life Changed Because Her Mom Went to Farm Sanctuary