S9. E21: Elizabeth Baker: Highly Effective and Ethical Methods to Replace Animals in Research and Experimentation

“I think we are at the point where so many of these methods have shown in studies to be more predictive for humans that it really is an issue of human health. We need to do better for patients. We know we can and that these methods exist, so we need to use them.” - Elizabeth Baker


This past season, we’ve focused quite a bit on animal research and experimentation, and a lot of our focus has been on just how horrible it is, how bad it is for the animals, how bad it is for science, and how bad it is for taxpayers who are spending so much money on this stuff. 

What we haven't focused enough on, are solutions. And there are solutions. There are many many human relevant methods that are here to replace animal testing and there are many more on the way.

Elizabeth is the director of research policy for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. They're a nationwide organization of physicians and laypersons that promote preventative medicine. They conduct clinical research and they advocate for more effective, efficient and ethical medical research, product testing and training.

Please listen and share.

In gratitude,

Elizabeth Novogratz

Learn More about the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

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As always, thank you for tuning in - we truly believe that stories have the power to change the way the world treats animals and it’s a pleasure to have you with us on this.


S9. E22: Kartick Satyanarayan: The Bear Man of India


S9. E20: Daniel Kaul: The Brutal Life Cycle of Captive Lions