Petsmart, Petco, - Stop Supporting Beagle Torture



Please join us in asking PetSmart, Petco, to follow the example of other ethical companies and do the right thing by dropping Marshall Pet Products.

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In 2021 the absolute cruelty of breeding beagles for animal testing subjects was exposed when PETA conducted an undercover investigation of a beagle breeding facility owned by Envigo where over 5000 of these loving, gentle dogs were kept in horrific conditions crammed together in barren cages without toys, bedding, or stimulation with dead and dying puppies left unattended among their live littermates.

Unfortunately, this type of neglect and abuse is not the exception but rather the norm for animal breeding facilities and although that story ended with the facility closed and the animals rehomed there are still tens of thousands of beagles that are bred each year in the United States to be lab animals.

One of the largest breeding facilities for animal test subjects is Marshall BioResources. Aerial footages has exposed endless rows of windowless buildings on their property where beagles and other dogs as well as cats, mini pigs, ferrets, mice, and guinea pigs are bred to be sold around the world for animal testing. This cruel facility has been cited in the past for violations of the Animal Cruelty Act and their heartlessness has been made clear by a company representative who stated

“We will breed anything a lab wants. If they want a dog with 3 legs or an abnormally large heart, we can do it.” 

This company uses and abuses animals for financial gain and then turns around and sells toys, food, and animal care products through their partner company Marshall Pet Products. When the cruelty of Marshall BioResources was first exposed some companies like did the right thing and dropped their pet products immediately but the other major retailers of pet products have failed to take action.

Take Action Now

Please join us in asking PetSmart, Petco, to follow the example of other ethical companies and do the right thing by dropping Marshall Pet Products.


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Pioneering animal advocate, lover of vegan fashion, and thought leader, Elizabeth Novogratz, was called at an early age to devote her life to elevating all animal life after witnessing inhumane animal agriculture and trade in the U.S. and abroad. After a decade of brave travel into places most of us could not, she founded Species Unite: a nonprofit that brings the brightest people and best non-animal products together on one curated media platform. Their popular podcast uncovers the latest in “future food” (cultivated meat), vegan fashion, and plant-forward meals. What we think, wear, and eat matters, now more than ever. Join Species Unite to live in line with your animal-loving values at:

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